Hall of Fame Nomination Form

​​​2018 Hall of Fame Inductees

Southern University, College, BA

Henderson State University, MA

Howard University

University of Wisconsin

University of Central Arkansas

Ouachita Baptist University

U.S. Army Purple Heart Recipient,

Casualty of Korean War

2015 Hall of Fame Inductees

Morehouse Secondary School
Morehouse College, BA
Atlanta University, MSE

Peake High School Class of 1966
Philander Smith College, BA
Co-Founder of Buffaloes’ Foundation, Inc, 1993

Everett High School, Lansing, MI
Michigan State University
Cooley Law School

Peake High School Class of 1962
Ouachita Baptist University, BSE
Ouachita Baptist University, MSE

Peake High School Class of 1968
Henderson State University, BSE
Henderson State University, MSE
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, PhD

2014 Hall of Fame Inductees

Peake High School
Henderson State University, BA
University of Arkansas, Little Rock, MSW

Peake High School
University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff, BA
University of Arkansas, Little Rock, MSW

Posthumous Inductees

Peake High School

Tuskegee University, MSE

Presbyterian Academy

Philander Smith College, BSE
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR, PhD

​Peake High School

​Ouachita Baptist University, BA

​Syracuse University, MBA​​

​​​2016 Hall of Fame Inductees

Carrol D Forte
Peake High School – Class of 1955
Philander Smith College, BME
Henderson State University, M.Ed.
University of Fayetteville, MSED
Northern Tennessee State, Post Graduate

Maurice Horton, Sr.
Peake High School – Class of
AM&N College, BSE
Henderson Teachers College Henderson State University, MSE
Kansas State University, Auburn University
University of Arkansas, Fayetteville
Certification of Supervision and Administration

Peake High School – Class of 1966
Ouachita Baptist University
Arkansas Baptist College, Little Rock

Peake High School Class of 1965 - Diploma
Henderson State University
Laney College, Oakland, CA
BASS University of California, Hayward, CA, PA

​​​​​2024 Hall of Fame Inductees

​​Arkansas AM&N (University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff)
Henderson State University

University of Arkansas, Little Rock

Peake High School 1960

Arkansas AM&N (University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff)

​Henderson State University

​Lincoln High School

Ouachita Baptist University

Peake High School 1965​​

United States Army

Henderson State University

Charles Harrison Mason Bible College

Arkadelphia, AR

​​​​2019 Hall of Fame Inductees

Howard Community College

Weekend College of Notre Dame University, B.S.N.

Texas Woman's University, M.S.N.

Arkansas AM&N (University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff)

Henderson State University, BME

Southern Arkansas University

Henderson State University, BME


​​​2022 Hall of Fame Inductees

​​Henderson State University

United States Army

University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff

​Western New England College

MITRE Corporation HQ

United State Air Force

​​Henderson State University

University of Arkansas at Little Rock
Arkansas Baptist College

​​BUFFALOES Foundation, Inc.

​​2017 Hall of Fame Inductees

Philander Smith, College, BA

Henderson State University, MSE

University of Central Arkansas - SD

University of Arkansas, Fayetteville, AR

Elementary Principal Certification University of Missouri, Perdue


AM&N (University of Arkansas, Pine Bluff) - BS

Henderson State University - MSE


Henderson State University - BSE

University of Arkansas Fayetteville JD

Henderson State University - BS

University of Michigan Pharm D

University of California, Irvine MD

Los Angeles City College - AA in Journalism


​​​2023 Hall of Fame Inductees


Peake High School 1960

Peake High School 1961

Peake High School 1962​​

Henderson State University

Peake High School 1962​​
Henderson State University

Peake High School 1964

Hollywood Beauty School

​​​​​2021 Hall of Fame Inductees

​​Henderson State University

Ouachita Baptist University

California State University at Hayward

California State University at Los Angeles

Arkansas AM&N (University of Arkansas at Pine Bluff) B.S.E

Saint Cloud University

United States Army